Kasia Nalewajka and Trunk’s producer Daniel Negret release their film “Pineapple Calamari”

Press release:

It can be a rough and daunting road once a student leaves film school. So it is great to hear of a success story. One such story involves Kasia Nalewajka and Trunk’s very own producer Daniel Negret. Their film ‘Pineapple Calamari’ has become a worldwide film festival favourite. Winning five prestigious awards including winning the Sitges film festival of Catalonia, which qualified it for the Oscars long list.

Created at the acclaimed National Film and Television School outside London whilst both Kasia and Daniel were students. The 9.20min claymation short is both engaging and hilarious. Written by Kasia, Daniel and Manuela Lupini the film has a dark and twisted streak running through the plotline. Directed and animated by Kasia the film runs with perfect comic timing and contains scenes that are beautifully framed. Clay is never the easiest substance to handle but has been manipulated with expertise and finesse.

Audiences at the many festivals it has been played at have been in fits of laughter and have left with a feeling, which Kasia’s has said, “as if they have been on a fantastic journey from the ordinary to the increasingly bizarre and surreal.”

Producer Daniel has said of working on the film. ‘It was a great experience being involved with the film from storyboarding, co writing and pulling a team together to make the film, especially as many were volunteers. The skills learned have been a great help whilst working at Trunk although it is much easier when working with a budget!’

The film is now available to be seen by all at https://vimeo.com/119044030
To keep up to date with Kasia her webpage is http://www.kasianalewajka.com