Doi romani au participat la realizarea unui film de animatie nordic (VIDEO)

Doi romani au participat la realizarea scurtmetrajului de animatie Forglemmegei/ Forget-me-not, productie a scolii The Animation Workshop Danemarca. Este vorba despre Mihaela Buzgan si Mario Grosu.

„Este din folclorul norvegian. Ne-am inspirat din filmele lui Ivo Caprino (animator stop motion norvegian) si lucrarile pictorului Theodor Kittlesen. Tema este acceptarea plecarii persoanelor dragi tie, sau locurilor la care nu te mai poti intoarce si crearea noului orizont”, a precizat Mihaela pentru

„Este animatie 3D cu combinatii de texturi realiste. 13 oameni au lucrat 9 luni la realizarea filmului. Am fost 5 animatori si 8 artisti CGA (computer graphic arts)”

In prezent, Mihaela lucreaza la studioul de animatie Lupus Films (Marea Britanie).

„Deep in the Norwegian forest, there is an old man, living an orderly and quiet life. Closed off from the rest of the world, he spends his days together with his lifelong friend, a troll. Together they share an everyday routine, drinking tea and taking care of each other. One day the troll begins to hint that the time has come for him to leave the comfort of their home. Not wanting to face the consequences of reality, the man sticks to his routines, maintaining their daily life. One morning, the troll is gone. Trying to restore balance to his life, the old man leaves his home in search of the troll, only to find himself getting lost in his own mind, entangled in his fears. In his darkest moment, he realizes that in order to find peace, he needs to accept the fate of his friend”


Katarina Lundquist – Director / Lighting Artist / Compositor

Mihaela Buzgan – Animator / Designer / Production Manager

Maria Kruse – Art Director / Painter / CG Artist

Simone Linn Skorstad – Animation Lead / Animator

Irmak Semiz – Technical Director / CG Artist

Neil Ingle – Animator / Storyboard Artist

Astrid Brix Torø – Pipeline Manager / CG Artist / Lighting Artist

Régis Marion – Character Designer / Animator

Teoman Cardel – Environment Lead / Painter / CG Artist

Mario Stefan Grosu – Animation TD / Animator

Alexander Jensen – Modeler / CG Artist

Ingvild Marie Methi – Story Consultant

Kim Strandli – Pipeline TD / Render Wrangler