Bertoti Attila, premiat la multe festivaluri, precum cel de la Kecskemét si Anim’est pentru Firul Ariadnei/ Ariadné Fonala/ Ariadne’s Thread (Romania, Ungaria, 2009), participa la Festivalul de Film de Animatie de la Annecy cu scurtmetrajul de animatie Kötelék/ Bond (2017). Animatia este realizata de el. Regia este semnata de Judit Wunder.
„A woman lives in complete solitude trying it hard to find love. She meets a shadow creature that looks like a cat… New bonds evolve as she gives birth to three kittens, but the creature disappears and she is left with the happiness of motherhood and the loss of her lover”
Director: Judit Wunder
Sound Design: Tamás Beke
Composer Violin: Gergely Balázs
Musical Director: Gergely Buttinger
Lead Animator: Attila Bertóti
József Fülöp
Editor: Judit Czakó
La Annecy participa si Sergiu Negulici cu scurtmetrajul Splendida Moarte Accident. Bertoti Attila si Sergiu Negulici sunt singurii romani care participa la Annecy, cel mai important festival de animatie din lume.