This is a chance to be part of an international training program in development of cross / transmedia projects, which integrate digital animation production and games.
Participation normally costs 2.500€, but we can cover that for you.

We’re primarily looking for animators and riggers.

The European Cross Media Academy (EUCROMA) brings together talented European artists to learn key development methods and innovative collaboration routines. 3 types of training are instrumental to the program:
– Storyworld development
– Pipeline training
– Cross/ transmedia collaboration

The high-intensity program delivers 30 ECTS credit points in the spring term, and you’ll be working in Copenhagen, alongside students from some of the most recognized game and film educations in Europe.
Accommodations in Copenhagen are taken care of, free of charge.

The program starts on the 4th of February, and ends on Friday the 31th of May.
You can read more about EUCROMA –

If you’d like to get a spot in EUCROMA (or have any questions), just get in touch with me via mail ( or give me a call (+45 8755 4912).